Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation

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Please use your clinical judgement and note that this is not necessarily standard practice in NZ.

Dynamic neuromuscular stabilization (DNS) is based on principles of developmental kinesiology i.e. the maturing human locomotor system. The approach views certain types of pain and dysfunction having defects in neuromotor programming. DNS was developed by Professor Pavel Kolar in the Czech Republic. It is allegedly practiced widely in many parts of Europe in mainstream clinical centres, but is largely unknown in New Zealand.

Developmental Kinesiology

Ontogenesis is a term that refers to the development of motor functions postnatally. When humans are first born our neurological and locomotor systems are immature, especially when compared to other mammalian species. As our central nervous system matures our postural foundations are increasingly established, with specific motor patterns at certain developmental milestones. The development of these motor patterns are genetically programmed rather than learned.