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Revision as of 09:40, 25 March 2022 by Jeremy (talk | contribs)

Evidence Based Questions

This section is inspired by CAT, WikEM.org, Wiki Journal Club, and Best Evidence Based Topics. It is effectively a journal club section. There are two types of reviews:

  1. Single journal article review: This follows the Wiki Journal Club format. It is an in depth review of a single seminal journal article.
  2. Critically Appraised Topic (CAT): Review of the literature on a focused question, where it would be too much information for the relevant normal article on the topic or condition. This follows the Best Evidence Based Topics or CAT format. It is a much more limited version of a systematic review.
Critically Appraised Topics
no pages or subcategories

Create an EBQ Article

For logged in users, you can create a new EBQ article with the templates below


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Note:Training portal is restricted to trainees and fellows.