Elbow History

From WikiMSK


Duration of illness

Acute or chronic

Circumstances of onset

Trauma (direct / indirect), repetitive overload, or spontaneous onset.

Mode of Onset

Are there red flags? Was the onset insidious?


Does it radiate along compartment to the wrist.


Is it deep, dull, aching. Is there dysaethesia. Is it sharp or shooting.


Is it related to activity.

Time of Onset

Does it come on during the day or night.

Precipitating and Aggravating Factors

Is it related to gripping / pinching, flexion of the elbow, supination, pronation. Is there pain and stiffness after rest. Is there locking.

Relieving Factors

Do certain positions or activities relieve it.

Associated features

Is there fever, weight loss, malaise.
