Lumbar Spine Examination

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  • Gait
  • Stature
  • Build
  • Romberg
  • Transitioning movements
  • Posture and alignment
    • Thoracolumbar alignment coronal and sagittal plane
    • Lumbar alignment coronal and sagittal plane
    • Pelvic alignment
    • Foot alignment
  • Movement
    • Forward flexion
    • Extension
    • Side flexion
    • Compound extension and rotation
  • Trendelenburg


  • Breathing
  • Pelvic alignment
  • Slump test


  • Skin drag and rolling
  • Allodynia to cold and pin prick
  • Palpation
    • Vertebral springing tenderness
    • Rotation testing
    • Bony landmarks: Iliac crest, PSIS, LPSL, sacroiliac joint
    • Soft tissue: sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus, piriformis, iliopsoas, quaratus lumborum, hamstring origin
  • SIJ provocation testing: distraction, thigh thrust, sacral thrust, compression
  • Hip joint range of motion
  • Special tests
    • Straight leg raise
    • Femoral stretch test
    • Iliopsoas length test and tenderness
    • Direction preference
    • Centralisation phenomenon
  • Neurological examination
    • Tone
    • Power: hip flexion (L2), hip adduction (L3), ankle dorsiflexion (L4), great toe extension (L5), knee flexion (S1)
    • Reflexes: knee (L3, L4), medial hamstring (L5), achilles (S1) [1]
    • Sensation: L2, L3, L4 (medial lower leg 88%), L5 (first dorsal digit 82%), S1 (lateral 5th digit 88%), S2, S3 [2]
    • Plantar reflexes


  1. Esene et al.. Diagnostic performance of the medial hamstring reflex in L5 radiculopathy. Surgical neurology international 2012. 3:104. PMID: 23087820. DOI. Full Text.
  2. Nitta et al.. Study on dermatomes by means of selective lumbar spinal nerve block. Spine 1993. 18:1782-6. PMID: 8235861. DOI.