TMJ Examination

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TMJ retrodiscal space.PNG
  1. Coronoid Process: Begin with mouth closed, palpate inferior to the zygomatic bone. Ask the patient to open their mouth. If the coronoid process does not move forward to touch your finger then ask them to open further or adjust your finger location. Check all easily accessible coronoid aspects. Verbal cues are generally required for maintaining an open mouth. Palpation of the medial aspect can be accomplished intraorally if required.
  2. Retrodiscal space


1 Which are symptoms of TMD?

Muscle pain
TMJ Pain.
Difficulty with mouth opening.
Difficulty with lateral deviation.
Sounds associated with movement
All of the above

2 Bruxism and TMD…

Have perfect correlation
Have high correlation.
Have low correlation.
Have no correlation.

3 The temporalis muscle inserts onto…

The mandibular condyle and is in front of the zygomatic arch
The mandibular condyle and is in behind the zygomatic arch
The mandibular coronoid process and is in front of the zygomatic arch
The mandibular coronoid process and is behind of the zygomatic arch

4 The masseter inserts onto…

The mandibular condyle
The coronoid process
The zygomatic arch
The maxilla