Template:Sacral Plexus

From WikiMSK

Sacral Plexus
Nerve Segment Motor Supply Action Sensory Supply
Superior gluteal L4-S1 Gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, tensor fasciae latae hip abduction buttock pain
Inferior gluteal L5-S2 Gluteus maximus hip external rotation and power extension N/A
Sciatic trunk/nerve L5โ€“S3 Tibial portion: Posterior compartment of the thigh and leg
Common peroneal division: short head of biceps femoris, and anterior, and lateral compartments of the leg, and extensor digitorum brevis. and leg through common peroneal and tibial nerves
Tibial portion: Sole of the foot (medial and lateral plantar nerves)
Common peroneal division: Anterolateral surface of the leg (sural nerve), first webspace of foot (deep peroneal nerve), and dorsal aspect of the foot (superficial peroneal nerve)
Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve - - Posterior surface of the thigh, leg, and perineum (perineal branches and inferior cluneal nerves)
Pudendal nerve S2-4 Muscles of the perineum Penis, clitoris, most of the perineum
Nerve to piriformis
Nerve to obturator internus and superior gemellus