
From WikiMSK
Oxford Shoulder Score
Please answer the following questions based on your experience in the last 4 weeks.
Item Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5
1 How would you describe the worst pain you had from your shoulder? None Mild Moderate Severe Unbearable
2 Have you had any trouble dressing yourself because of your shoulder? No trouble at all A little bit of trouble Moderate trouble Extreme difficulty Impossible to do
3 How would you describe the worst pain you had from your shoulder? No trouble at all A little bit of trouble Moderate trouble Extreme difficulty Impossible to do
4 Have you been able to use a knife and fork - at the same time? Yes, easily With little difficulty With moderate difficulty With extreme difficulty No, impossible
5 Could you do the household shopping on your own? Yes, easily With little difficulty With moderate difficulty With extreme difficulty No, impossible
6 Could you carry a tray containing a plate of food across a room? Yes, easily With little difficulty With moderate difficulty With extreme difficulty No, impossible
7 Could you brush / comb your hair with the affected arm? Yes, easily With little difficulty With moderate difficulty With extreme difficulty No, impossible
8 How would you describe the pain you usually had from your shoulder? None Mild Moderate Severe Unbearable
9 Could you hang your clothes up in a wardrobe using the affected arm? Yes, easily With little difficulty With moderate difficulty With extreme difficulty No, impossible
10 Could you brush / comb your hair with the affected arm? Yes, easily With little difficulty With moderate difficulty With extreme difficulty No, impossible
11 How much has pain from your shoulder interfered with your usual work (including housework)? Not at all A little bit Moderately Greatly Totally
12 Have you been troubled by pain from your shoulder in bed at night? No nights Only 1 or 2 nights Some nights Most nights Every night
Result Score Interpretation Score: 0

OSS total score ranges from 0-48, with lower scores indicating worse disability