Property:Has condition clinical features

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Pain and restriction of dorsiflexion and plantarflexion  +
Pure motor palsy affecting pollicis longus, flexor digitorum profundus, pronator quadratus.  +
Burning medial heel pain that worsens with standing and walking.  +
Sensory, vasomotor, sudomotor, and trophic changes  +
Spectrum of no symptoms to debilitating pain most commonly affecting the supraspinatus, but other tendons can be involved.  +
Pain and reduced range of motion, specific tests such as the Watson test.  +
Sensor loss palmar portion of the first three digits and radial half of the fourth digit plus the distal dorsal aspects of these digits. Weakness of abductor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis, superficial head of flexor pollicis brevis, lumbricals I/II. Positive Phalen and Tinel's signs.  +
lower motor neuron findings the level of the lesion and upper motor neuron findings below the level of the lesion  +
Pain in dynatomal distribution; numbness in dermatomal distribution, weakness in myotomal distribution, hyporeflexia; positive special tests.  +
No major distinguishing characteristics  +
Similar to other types of spinal stenosis with neurogenic claudication  +
Sensory loss ulnar half of digit 4 and entire digit 5. Frequently spares ulnar innervated forearm muscles (flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum profundus to digits 4/4), while commonly affecting the ulnar innervated hand muscles, particularly the first dorsal interosseous muscle. Positive Tinel's sign at medial elbow, Wartenburg's sign, and Froment's sign.  +
Radial sided wrist pain worse with thumb and wrist movement.  +
Slowly progressive weakness of facial muscles, scapular stabilisers, arms, and dorsiflexors of the foot.  +
Exercise induced anterior groin pain, pain at extreme range of motion.  +
Insidious mild positional or movement related groin pain.  +
Chronic widespread pain, increased pain sensitivity, fatigue and other cognitive difficulties, and sleep disturbance.  +
Chronic lateral hip pain that is exacerbated by activity and side-lying. Greater trochanteric tenderness and pain provocation in tests assessing the use of the hip abductors.  +
Sensory loss ulnar half of digit 4 and entire digit 5. Weakness may involve all ulnar hand muscles.  +
Recurrent, transient motor and sensory deficits affecting single nerves, commonly in the peroneal and ulnar nerves, leading to weakness, numbness, and atrophy. High rates of chronic neuropathic pain, including widespread pain.  +