Property:Has condition definition

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*Cervical radicular pain: Pain perceived as arising in a limb or the trunk wall caused by ectopic activation of nociceptive afferent fibers in a spinal nerve or its roots or other neuropathic mechanisms. *Cervical Radiculopathy: Objective loss of sensory and/or motor function as a result of conduction block in axons of a spinal nerve or its roots.   +
Pain that is perceived in the head but whose source is actually in the cervical spine or which is innervated by cervical nerves (a form of cervical referred pain)  +
Pain originating from the coccyx  +
No uniform definition  +
Pathological contact between the femoral head-neck junction and the acetabular rim during functional hip movement  +
A disorder characterized by increased intracranial pressure with normal CSF composition and no other cause evident on neuroimaging.  +
3D spinal deformity with at least 10ยฐ of curvature in the coronal plane.  +
Pain arising from oedema in the interspinous space  +
Pain at the tendon insertion or myotendinous junction during loading of the wrist extensor muscles  +
Pain characterised by myofascial trigger points  +
The sudden onset of occipital and/or upper neck pain brought out by sudden rotatory head movement and accompanied by abnormal sensation and/or posture of the ipsilateral tongue.  +
Anterior knee pain where other causes have been excluded.  +
Impingement of sciatic nerve by piriformis muscle causing buttock pain and/or sciatica  +
Painful neuropathy involving the thinly myelinated Aฮด and unmyelinated C nerve fibers responsible for pain, temperature sensation, and autonomic regulation.  +
Pain at the tendon insertion or myotendinous junction during loading of the wrist extensor muscles  +