Property:Has condition treatment

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
weight loss, physical therapy  +
Rest, NSAIDs, injections, orthotics, surgery.  +
[[Subacromial Bursa Injection|Corticosteroid injection]], [[Rotator Cuff Calcific Tendinitis Barbotage|barbotage]], extracorporeal shockwave, surgical debridement  +
Partial tears are usually treated nonoperatively with immobilisation and rehabilitation; complete tears are initially treated operatively with screws and pins used to restore and maintain carpal alignment.  +
Urgent decompression.  +
Conservative, physiotherapy, analegisa, epidural corticosteroid, decompression and fusion.  +
Education, analgesia, manual therapy, radiofrequency neurotomy  +
Immunoglobulin and plasma exchange  +
Conservative, multi-level spinal instrumentation.  +
Activity modification, thumb spica splint, steroid injection, surgery.  +
Supportive, surgical management in certain cases of cervical spine involvement  +
collagenase (not available in NZ), percutaneous fasciotomy, surgery  +
Supportive care  +
surgical decompression  +
Incomplete compression fractures - conservative. Complete compression, incomplete tension, and displaced - surgical.  +
Exercise, physiotherapy, surgery.  +
Non-pharmacological and pharmacological  +
Load management, avoidance of compressive forces, graded exercise programme, injections, surgery.  +
Exercise, weight loss, education, injections, surgery  +
NSAIDs, corticosteroid injection  +