Property:Has condition clinical features

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Anterolateral neck pain with jaw movement, neck movement, or swallowing. Tenderness over the greater cornu of the hyoid bone.  +
Headache, papilledema, vision loss, pulsatile tinnitus, and diplopia.  +
Truncal asymmetry noted by parents or caregivers or as an incidental finding on imaging, with or without pain. Positive Adam's test on exam.  +
Pain closely linked to an accident, variable pain distribution, severe pain, tender interspinous space.  +
Lateral foot pain, numbness, and paraesthesias with weightbearing. Tenderness over the medial calcaneal tubercle.  +
No reliable clinical features. Can cause [[Somatic Referred Pain|somatic referred pain]] into the lower limbs.  +
Exercise intolerance and muscle cramps, rhabdomyolysis. Progressive muscle weakness later in life.  +
Tender taut band within the muscle that reproduces the patients pain.  +
Multi-system disease. Proximal and distal muscle weakness and myotonia in most. Variable age of onset  +
Pain at anterior tibial tubercle with activity and kneeling  +
Attacks of rectal, ocular, and mandibular pain associated with skin flushing.  +
Anterior and medial knee pain, positive medial patellar plica test.  +
Limb girdle weakness, exercise intolerance, chronic pain  +
Usually only pain, provoked by extension of the middle finger.  +
Sensor loss similar to [[Carpal Tunnel Syndrome|carpal tunnel syndrome]] but with the addition of the thenar eminence. Motor loss also similar to CTS, but possible addition of pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum superficialis, and the anterior interosseous nerve innervated muscles. Reproduction of symptoms with resisted forearm pronation.  +
Three stages: invasive, purulent, and late stage.  +
Loss of sensation of the dorsal aspect of the lateral hand, part of the thumb, and proximal aspect of the dorsal 2-4 fingers. Weakness of extensors.  +
Pain below L5, high intensity over Fortin area, absence of pain over ischial tuberosity, positive provocation testing  +
Tendon dislocation during flexion, deviated finger, extensor lag.  +
Deformity with or without pain  +