Property:Has condition pathophysiology

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Showing 17 pages using this property.
RNA toxicity from expanded repeats  +
Subluxation of the atlantoaxial joint resulting in compression of the C2 ventral ramus  +
Fibrotic taut plica  +
GAA deficiency causes glycogen to accumulate in lysosomes and cytoplasm, resulting in tissue damage and various clinical features depending on the form of the disease.  +
Entrapment of the [[Posterior Interosseous Nerve|posterior interosseous nerve]].  +
Entrapment of the [[Median Nerve]] at various locations at the elbow or proximal forearm, most commonly between the two heads of [[Pronator Teres|pronator teres]]  +
Disrupted muscle architecture during a period of bacteraemia  +
Entrapment of the [[Radial Nerve]] at the radial groove of the humerus  +
Disturbance of endochondral ossification  +
Cyclical innate and adaptive immune system activation with lymphocytic infiltration of affected tissue  +
loss of fibrous or cartilaginous attachments between ribs 8-10 causing subluxation and intercostal nerve impingement.  +
Repetitive friction of SCN under the thoracolumbar fascia, or rarely constriction in the osteofibrous tunnel.  +
Phosphofructokinase deficiency resulting in secondary glycogenosis  +
Compression of subclavian vessels or brachial plexus in or near the thoracic outlet  +
Overlap of developing somites.  +
Thickened and stenotic A1 pulley  +
Entrapment of the [[Superficial Radial Nerve|superficial radial nerve]] at the distal forearm  +