Property:Has nerve course
From WikiMSK
This is a property of type Text.
Enters the vertebral body through the foramen in the posteiror wall, then ramifies caudal and cranial to the endplates. +
To the lateral compartment of the leg +
Pierces scalenus medius, joins and runs with dorsal scapular artery, then runs down the medial scapular border deep to the levator scapulae and rhomboid muscles and superficial to the serratus anterior. +
Lateral border of [[Psoas Major|psoas major muscle]], inferior through the anterior abdominal wall, anterior to [[Quadratus Lumborum|quadratus lumborum muscle]] until the iliac crest, through the [[Transversus Abdominis|transversus abdominis]] and [[Internal Oblique|internal oblique]] muscles, then through the superficial inguinal ring. +
Passes between [[Abductor Hallucis]] and [[Quadratus Plantae]], and along the medial border of the long plantar ligament. +
3cm above inguinal ligament, to within fibrous tissue of iliac fascia, to below or through the inguinal ligament, to the thigh just medial to the ASIS, to over the [[Sartorius|sartorius]] deep to the fascia lata. +
Travels under the [[Abductor Hallucis|abductor hallucis]] and diagonally across the sole between the [[Flexor Digitorum Brevis|flexor digitorum brevis]] and [[Quadratus Plantae|quadratus plantae]] +
Remains within the pelvic cavity and pierces the anterior surface of the piriformis muscle. +
Passes down the ischium and posterior to the [[Hip Joint|hip joint]]. +
Exits the pelvis through the sacrotuberous ligament, passes over the lower border of [[Gluteus Maximus|gluteus maximus]]. +
It runs under the arcade of Frosche +
Exits the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen to enter the leg between ischial tuberosity and femoral greater trochanter, then courses inferiorly through the posterior compartment of the thigh. +
Along the lower border of the twelfth rib and under the lateral lumbocostal arch. +
Through the posterior compartment of the forearm between the [[Pronator Teres|pronator teres]] and [[Brachioradialis|brachioradialis]] muscles. Heads to the anatomical snuffbox. +
Passes between the [[Gluteus Minimus|gluteus minimus]] and eenters the [[Tensor Fascia Lata|tensor fascia lata]] in its mid length. +
Through popliteal fossa, deep to [[Gastrocnemius|gastrocnemius]], and under the flexor retinaculum of the ankle. +