Template:Muscles datatable

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Abductor Digiti Minimi (Foot) Origin: Plantar aponeurosisInsertion: Fifth toe or phalangesAction: Flexion and abduction of the fifth toeAntagonists: Flexor digiti minimi brevis musclePeripheral Innervation: Lateral Plantar NerveBlood Supply: Lateral plantar artery
Abductor Hallucis Origin: Medial process of calcaneal tuberosity, Plantar aponeurosis, Flexor retinaculumInsertion: Medial aspect of base of 1st phalanx of halluxAction: Flexion and abduction of the great toePeripheral Innervation: Medial Plantar NerveBlood Supply: Medial plantar artery
Adductor Longus Origin: External surface of body of pubis (triangular depression inferior to pubic crest and lateral to pubic symphysis)Insertion: Linea aspera on middle one-third of shaft of femurAction: Adducts and medially rotates thigh at hip jointSpinal Innervation: L2, L3, L4Peripheral Innervation: Obturator NerveBlood Supply: Profunda femoris
Adductor muscles of the hip
Biceps Femoris Origin: long head: medial facet of the ischial tuberosity short head: lateral linea aspera and lateral supracondylar line of the femur and adjacent intermuscular septumInsertion: fibular head, crural fascia and lateral tibial condyle (common short and long head tendon)Action: flexes knee joint

laterally rotates knee joint (when the knee is flexed) extends hip joint (long head only)

external rotation of the thigh (long head only)
Antagonists: Quadriceps FemorisSpinal Innervation: L5, S1, S2Peripheral Innervation: long head: Tibial Nerve, short head: Common Peroneal NerveBlood Supply: inferior gluteal artery

perforating arteries

popliteal artery
Diaphragm Origin: Sternal (arising from two strips under the xiphoid process), costal (arising from inner surfaces of lower six costal cartilages and adjoining ribs, interdigitating with the transversus abdominis muscle), lumbar (arising from the aponeurotic arches and lumbar vertebrae.Insertion: Common insertion point of the central tendonAction: Respiratory, straining, gastro-oesophageal sphincter control.Spinal Innervation: C3-5Peripheral Innervation: Phrenic Nerve, separate branches innervate the crural and costal regions.
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Extensor Hallucis Brevis
External Obturator Origin: Outer obturator membrane , rim of pubis and ischium bordering itInsertion: Trochanteric fossa on medial surface of greater trochanterAction: Adduct and externally rotate hip.Blood Supply: Obturator artery.
Flexor Digitorum Brevis Origin: CalcaneusInsertion: Middle phalanges of toe 2-5Action: Flexion of the lateral four digitsAntagonists: Extensor digitorum longus and Extensor digitorum brevisPeripheral Innervation: Medial Plantar NerveBlood Supply: Medial and lateral plantar arteries and plantar arch, plantar metatarsal and plantar digital arteries
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Flexor Hallucis Longus
Gemelli Muscles Origin:
  • Superior Gemellus: Spine of ischium
  • Inferior Gemellus: Upper border of ischial tuberosity
  • Superior Gemellus: Upper edge of Obturator internus muscle tendon (indirectly greater trochanter)
  • Inferior Gemellus: Lower edge of Obturator internus muscle tendon (indirectly greater trochanter)
Action: Externally rotates and stabilises the hip
Gluteus Maximus Origin: Gluteal surface of ilium, lumbar fascia, sacrum, sacrotuberous ligamentInsertion: Greater trochanter of the femur and iliotibial tractAction: External rotation and extension of the hip joint, supports the extended knee through the iliotibial tract, chief antigravity muscle in sitting and abduction of the hipAntagonists: Psoas Major, Psoas Minor, IliacusSpinal Innervation: L5, S1, S2Peripheral Innervation: S1 and S2 nerve roots), Inferior Gluteal Nerve (L5Blood Supply: Superior and inferior gluteal arteries
Gluteus Medius Origin: Gluteal surface of ilium, under gluteus Maximus. Three areas of origin: gluteal fossa, gluteal aponeurosis, and posterior inferior edge of the lip of the iliac crest.Insertion: Greater trochanter of the femur. Three points of insertion: tendinous portion of the aponeurosis inserts onto the superolateral facet, the remainder inserts along an anteroinferior oblique line on the lateral facet.Action: Abduction of the hip; preventing adduction of the hip. Medial/internal rotation and flexion of the hip (anterior fibers). Extension and Lateral/external rotation of the hip (posterior fibers)Antagonists: Hip AdductorsSpinal Innervation: L4, L5, S1Peripheral Innervation: Superior Gluteal NerveBlood Supply: superior gluteal artery
Gluteus Minimus Origin: From area in between the anterior gluteal line and inferior gluteal line of Gluteal surface ilium, under gluteus medius.Insertion: Greater trochanter of the femurAction: Works in concert with gluteus medius: abduction of the hip; preventing adduction of the hip. Medial rotation of thigh.Antagonists: Lateral Hip RotatorsSpinal Innervation: L4, L5, S1Peripheral Innervation: Superior gluteal nerveBlood Supply: superior gluteal artery
Gracilis Origin: ischiopubic ramusInsertion: tibia (pes anserinus)Action: flexes, medially rotates, and adducts the hipPeripheral Innervation: anterior branch of Obturator NerveBlood Supply: medial circumflex femoral artery
Iliacus Origin: Upper two-thirds of the iliac fossaInsertion: Base of the lesser trochanter of femurAction: Flexes and rotates medially thighAntagonists: Gluteus MaximusSpinal Innervation: L2, L3Peripheral Innervation: Femoral NerveBlood Supply: Medial femoral circumflex artery, iliac branch of iliolumbar artery
Iliopsoas Origin: Iliac fossa and lumbar spineInsertion: Lesser trochanter of femurAction: Flexor of the hip and trunk; lateral flexor of the trunkAntagonists: Gluteus Maximus, Posterior Compartment of ThighSpinal Innervation: L1, L2, L3Peripheral Innervation: Femoral NerveBlood Supply: Medial femoral circumflex artery and iliolumbar artery
Internal Obturator Origin: Inner surface of obturator membrane and rim of pubis and ischium bordering membraneInsertion: Middle part of medial aspect of greater trochanter of femurAction: Abducts & externally rotates the extended hip and abducts the flexed thigh at the hip, and stabilises the hip during walkingBlood Supply: Inferior gluteal artery
Latissimus Dorsi Origin: Inferior angle of the scapular, 9-12 ribs, spinous processes of T7-T12, thoracolumbar fasciaInsertion: Intertubercular sulcus of humerusAction: Extension, adduction and internal rotation of the arm, aids in respirationSpinal Innervation: C6-C8Peripheral Innervation: Thoracodorsal nerve (C6-C8)
Pectineus Origin: pecten pubis and adjacent superior pubic ramusInsertion: pectineal line of the femurAction: adduct the thigh at the hipPeripheral Innervation: Femoral Nerve
Piriformis Origin: 2, 3, 4 costotransverse bars of anterior sacrum, few fibers from superior border of greater sciatic notchInsertion: Anterior part of medial aspect of greater trochanter of femurAction: Externally rotates and stabilises the hipSpinal Innervation: S1, S2Peripheral Innervation: Nerve to PiriformisBlood Supply: Inferior gluteal, lateral sacral and superior gluteal artery.
Psoas Major Origin: Transverse processes of L1-5, bodies of T12-L5 and intervertebral discs below bodies of T12-L5Insertion: Middle surface of lesser trochanter of femurAction: Stabiliser and flexor of the hip, lateral flexion of the trunk.Antagonists: Gluteus MaximusSpinal Innervation: L1, L2, L3Peripheral Innervation: Anterior primary rami of L1-3 nerves (mainly L2)Blood Supply: lumbar arteries, iliolumbar artery, deep circumflex iliac artery, external iliac artery, femoral artery
Psoas Minor Origin: Lateral surface bodies of T12 and L1 vertebrae and intervening intervertebral discInsertion: Passes behind the inguinal ligament to insert into the iliopubic eminenceAction: Weak lumbar spine flexionAntagonists: Erector SpinaeSpinal Innervation: L1Peripheral Innervation: Anterior ramus of L1 nerve root
Quadratus Femoris Origin: Lateral edge of the tuberosity of the ischiumInsertion: Intertrochanteric crestAction: lateral rotation and adduction of thighSpinal Innervation: L4, L5, S1Peripheral Innervation: Femoral Nerve (Nerve to quadratus femoris)Blood Supply: medial circumflex femoral artery
Quadratus Lumborum Origin: Posterior border of iliac crestInsertion: Inferior border of 12th rib and L1-L5Action: Alone(unilateral), lateral flexion of vertebral column; Together (bilateral), depression of thoracic rib cageSpinal Innervation: L1, L2, L3, L4, T12Peripheral Innervation: The twelfth thoracic and first through fourth ventral rami of lumbar nervesBlood Supply: Lumbar arteries, lumbar branch of iliolumbar artery
Quadratus Plantae Origin: Calcaneus, Long plantar ligamentInsertion: Tendons of Flexor Digitorum LongusAction: Assists Flexor Digitorum Longus in flexion of DIP jointsPeripheral Innervation: Lateral Plantar Nerve
Quadriceps Femoris Origin: Combined rectus femoris and vastus musclesInsertion: Tibial tuberosityAction: Knee extension; Hip flexion (Rectus femoris only)Spinal Innervation: L2, L3, L4Peripheral Innervation: Femoral Nerve
Rectus Abdominis Origin: Pubic symphysis, pubic crestInsertion: Xiphoid process, costal cartilages of ribs 5-7Action: Trunk flexion, compresses abdominal viscera, expirationSpinal Innervation: T7-T12Peripheral Innervation: Intercostal nerves (T7-T11), subcostal nerve (T12)
Sartorius Origin: Anterior superior iliac spineInsertion: Medial condyle of the tibia - superficial Pes AnserinusAction: Flexion, abduction, and lateral rotation of the hip, flexion of the knee
Semimembranosus Origin: Ischial tuberosityInsertion: Infraglenoid tubercle of the posterior medial tibial condyle, posterior joint capsule (contributing to the oblique popliteal ligament), popliteal fascia and posterior horn of medial meniscusAction: Flexes knee joint, medially rotates knee joint (when the knee is flexed beyond 90 degrees), extends hip joint (less than biceps femoris)Spinal Innervation: L5, S1, S2Peripheral Innervation: Tibial NerveBlood Supply: Inferior gluteal artery, perforating arteries, popliteal artery
Semitendinosus Origin: Ischial tuberosityInsertion: As part of the pes anserine tendon, onto the medial superior tibiaAction: flexes knee joint, medially rotates knee joint (when the knee is flexed beyond 90 degrees), extends hip joint (less than biceps femoris)Antagonists: Quadriceps FemorisSpinal Innervation: L5, S1, S2Peripheral Innervation: Tibial NerveBlood Supply: Inferior gluteal artery, perforating arteries, popliteal artery
Tensor Fascia Lata Origin: Anterior superior iliac spineInsertion: Iliotibial tract (via greater trochanter)Action: Hip - flexion, medial rotation, abduction, knee - lateral rotation, Torso - stabilizationSpinal Innervation: L4, L5, S1Peripheral Innervation: Superior Gluteal NerveBlood Supply: Primarily lateral circumflex femoral artery, superior gluteal artery
Tibialis Posterior
Triceps Surae